Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Bracing for Changes

Some big changes are coming soon to yours truly.

First, Elder Son is moving home end of this month. One of his roommates bought a house and is moving out, and the other roommate got a new job in another town and doesn't want to commit to a full year's lease here.
Elder Son was unable to find any other buds who'd want to take the open rooms, so he is coming back here.

Second, Elder Son is bringing his cat. Neither of his roommates have the capacity to house her.
I have never lived in a home with two cats. This will be interesting.

Third, I am getting Invisaligns next month. I've been waiting to get my teeth straightened ever since 4th grade. The story about why I thought I didn't get braces back then and what I've learned since is a whole blog post by itself. Younger Son got his Invisaligns in May and he's been feeding me awesome life hacks that he's learned along the way.
I am looking forward to this adventure. The full straightening process is expected to take 2 years.

Fourth, to get my teeth straightened, I have to lose one of them.
To get my teeth straightened AND my overbite fixed, I'd have to lose 4 teeth.
Four teeth is too many. There's no changing your mind after that, no dialing it back even a little. That there be a done deal. I don't even like the idea of removing a perfectly good ONE.
But, one tooth it is. Not four.

These next 30 days are going to be pretty big, folks.
I'll try to keep you posted.

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