Thursday, January 28, 2021


We'll call him Drew.

He is one of the three guys who interviewed me for my current job. It was important that Drew liked me because I'd be working closely with him. I stalked him on LinkedIn before the interview and discovered he had graduated a year earlier... from the same university where I had just earned my Bachelor's. It was a great conversation starter. We compared notes and determined that, yes, we very well could have attended one or more of the same classes together and not have known it.

My cubicle is directly across from Drew's. Anytime I had a question (before COVID when we were still going into the office and working in cubicles), I would spin my chair around and say, "Hey, Drew...", and we'd chat. Most of everything I needed to know about the company and how it works, I learned from Drew.

So, he's been a major part of my work life for the past 18 months.

Drew gave his two weeks' notice Monday. Like a lot of young college graduates, he's put in his two years at the "starter job" and gained enough real life experience to get the job he really wants. He got a pretty good gig at a national chain, and I'm excited for him and the adventure he's about to have.

Happy for him. Sad for me.

Okay, a little happy for me, too. I get to move into Drew's cubicle once he evacuates it, and there's a view of the windows from over there. ;-)

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