Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A Handful of Trash and Treasure


Ten months into the pandemic and I'm finally getting around to doing a Marie Kondo on parts of the house.

This week I am determined to take down a stack of greeting cards that I'd shoved in a drawer to deal with "later". Knowing the stack includes several sympathy cards from Mom's,  Dad's, and Lily's funerals, I decided to  take it slow and allow myself to keep as many as I want to/need to. The goal isn't to empty the drawer as much as the goal is to make progress.

Yesterday I grabbed a handful of cards and was delighted to find most of them were novelty cards that The Husband and I had acquired when we were single. Fun cards! Cards we thought were funny or beautiful that we had intended to send to someone eventually but had never gotten around to it.
Nearly 30 years of marriage and 7 household moves later, we still have those cards.
I kept a few that were still in good shape and that The Husband would enjoy seeing again, and I threw out the rest.

Today's handful of cards appear to be Christmas cards from 2012. And from 2011. AND they have never been opened. 

I've kept a lot of stupid stuff. 
And this is just two days deep into one drawer of cards.
Imagine what I'll unearth and get to throw away when I get around to a real box of crap.

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