Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sunday Dinner 1/24/2021

Some snow, a computer, and two sons. Here's some happy random.

The Boys came over for dinner today.
We sat a social distance from each other and wore masks when we weren't eating.

After dinner, the boys shoveled snow from our sidewalk and driveway. They didn't have to. It was a lightweight couple of inches. I had already shoveled a good portion of our property and could have easily finished it myself. But Elder Son had told me he would come over and shovel anytime we needed help. He's been out of work since COVID-19 hit, it's the dead of winter, and he needs to feel needed. So I left half the snow for him to clear while he was here. As it turned out, he invited Younger Son to join him, and I watched from the window as the two of them interspersed snow throwing with conversation. 
It warmed my heart.

As he does every week, Younger Son brought his laundry to wash during dinner. He had a lot of clothes to wash today, so he also brought along a laptop to do some work while he waited for the dryer to finish. "Work" was a project he and Elder Son were collaborating on. The project, I found out, is an interactive digital story where the reader gets to choose the direction the plot takes. Elder Son is writing the story, and Younger Son is writing the code.
I couldn't have been prouder.
Heart. So warm.

I love those guys so much.
They turned out so awesome. 

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