Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Many Words With Many Friends

I spent a good part of today trying to find a couple who could come to a Friday night show with The Husband and me. We already paid for 4 tickets, so we needed to find two more people.

I went through darned near every local contact stored in my phone. I reached out to people I hadn't heard from in over a year. The Husband and I were getting so desperate,  we discussed GOING OUTSIDE and TALKING TO NEIGHBORS. IN PERSON! The horror!

We were naturally relieved to eventually find a couple that didn't already have plans. Whew!
But I was rather embarrassed to have gone through so many people and extend invitations with shorter and shorter notice.

"On the plus side," The Husband said, "everyone you called now thinks we're really good friends to have thought of inviting them." 😁

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