Saturday, July 22, 2023

Elder Son's Moving Experience

Elder Son took his time moving into his new apartment. His new apartment, interestingly enough, is Younger Son's old apartment; YS and his girlfriend left it to take a two-bedroom place across town.

It was a perfect situation, really.
Elder Son has an inconsistent gig income right now, so a traditional financial background check that rental agencies do would disqualify his application in most cases. Especially now with the tight housing market here.
A couple of years ago Younger Son found and claimed this one-bedroom upper which is rented out by the homeowner. No rental management company. A nice 1x1 relationship between leaser and leasee.
When YS gave notice that he was moving out, he told the landlord that his older brother would love to move in. YS's tenancy had been so exemplary that the landlord agreed to let Elder take the apartment without doing any background check on him ahead of time. The first time she and Elder Son met was when he signed the lease.

Landlord happy. Elder Son happy.
The Husband and I very happy.

So, like I said, Elder Son took his time moving into his new place. Took his non-essentials over the first day, seasonal clothes, smaller pieces of furniture. Packed up his kitchen and bathroom another day, basically living out of a toiletries bag and using paper plates at our place in the interim. 
The day he moved his computer was the last day he came home overnight. He chose to sleep on a recliner couch Younger Son had left behind in the new/old apartment for a few days before finally moving his bed and the rest of his furniture. 

He left his cat and all of her accoutrements for last.
She lived here with us and without him for two solid weeks.
When Elder Son finally came to collect her, he assured me no less than three times that he will bring her over when he comes back to do laundry. 
I made sure Cat 3.0 watched them leave. It would have broken my heart to have him walk around the house looking for her.

That was a couple of days ago, and Cat 3.0 seems to be handling the change just fine. He gets to sit in any window he wants to without sharing the view. His food and water doesn't have another cat's drool in it. The litter box contains only his smells. He's just fine.

I'm a little moody though.
The house feels emptier with two fewer souls in it.

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