Houston, We Have Invisaligns
It finally happened.
The Invisaligns I'd been trying to get since May 2020, and the teeth correction I'd been wanting since 4th grade, were installed Wednesday, September 21st.
It's all good so far (she says on Day Three). The challenges I'm having are not the challenges I expected.
1) I expected sore gums and tension headaches. None of that so far. But what I didn't expect was how much the edges of the trays would rub against and irritate the inside of my cheeks and lips. I expected them to be more flush with my teeth and gums.
2) I expected some inconvenience with the need to remove the trays to eat. I did not expect the amount of time this process would involve. You can't just pop them out and snap them back in. For one, it's not an attractive activity, and there's a good amount of drooling. For two, you need to clean your teeth thoroughly before encasing them in plastic for the next how many hours.
Example: This morning I was enjoying breakfast with The Husband, looked at the clock and realized I had a Zoom meeting in 5 minutes. Normally not a problem to walk to the at-home office up the hallway. But I had to put my trays back in, and I had to brush and floss before I could do that. Suddenly the casual 5 minute stroll up the hallway turned into a frantic bathroom frenzy.
3) I honestly thought Invisaligns just snapped in and out. Maybe for some people they do. But mine required about two dozen tiny attachments to be glued onto my teeth to hold the trays and move my teeth. When the trays are out, the attachments rub against the insides of my cheeks and lips. And when I bite down, those little buggers pinch like a mo fo.
That has been the biggest challenge so far. But it's getting better with every meal.
4) The pain from those attachments makes it feel better having the trays in than having them out. Did not expect that. This is probably a good thing.
5) Snacking is out. Any potential snack has to be worth taking out trays, enduring the pinching attachments, and the time it's gonna take to clean everything up afterwards. Sorry bag of chips and handful of M&Ms, you ain't it.
Let's hope this helps me finally lose those last 5 pounds.
She went back to college at age 47 and got braces at age 56.
This is how you keep feeling young, kids 😉👍
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