on your mark.. get set...
Imagine you are about to run a sprint. The bleachers are filled with a cheering crowd, your competition is lined up on both sides, and the wind is at your back.
You carefully arrange your feet on your mark, and you get set. Focusing all of your energy on what is ahead, you wait on the pistol. Then... someone smashes a folding chair across your back.
This is how I felt a week ago today, the day before Elder Son was set to move home with us, two weeks before my scheduled tooth extraction, and three weeks before I will get Invisaligns. I was poised, prepared, and focused on all that was ahead of me.
Then BAM! I got blindsided by a major reorganization at work.
Unlike being pummeled with a chair, this sudden disruption is a good change. But dang, the stress.
Such crappy timing.
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