Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Don't Sleep Scary.

The cat is stretched out on the floor, so I crawl down there and get cozy next to him. After a few moments, I realize I'm nodding off.

"Dang. I better get up before I fall asleep. If The Husband finds me on the floor like this, it'll freak him out."

Now understand...
I'm not splayed out like a chalk murder outline or anything. I'm curled up and comfortable. Had I been on a couch or a bed, I'd look like I'm sleeping peacefully. But on the floor, I look like I'm suffering a medical emergency, right?

It just made me think about the importance location plays when sleeping.

Bed? Fine.
Same position on the floor? Call 911!

Couch? Aw, you so cute napping.
Same position on a bench? Homeless, probably drunk, maybe dead. Better call the authorities. 

In a recliner? Dude, you're old, but you're alive.
Same position in a car? Certainly dead, don't even bother tapping on the glass.

Point of the story, friends, is be careful where you fall asleep. You might be perfectly fine, but you just might frighten someone else to death.

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