Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Ones with the Pajama Pants

Couple of dreams...

Dream #1
I'm at work. Everyone is happy. Coworkers I don't even know make a point to say hello as I walk past. All the workstations are different, so I'm not entirely sure where I'm supposed to be, but this is not a problem because everyone is getting used to the newness of it all, and everyone is super helpful and kind.
At one point the dream tells me I forgot to put on pants. When I look down, I see I'm not actually pantsless; I am wearing pajama bottoms. These ones, in fact...
I should be embarrassed, but I'm not because no one seems to care.
Then I realize I'm not wearing a mask. I ask my boss what I should do. He says, "Don't worry about it. Nobody is wearing one because it's okay now."
It was as if every bad turn was negated as soon as it was recognized. 

It was a really good dream. 

Dream #2
I'm driving through my hometown in Michigan. It's an unplanned trip, no one is expecting me to be there. 
I stop at a reception venue to drop off an RSVP for my niece's wedding. She is there and happy to see me, but I've interrupted her bridal shower to which I had not been invited.
"You're not supposed to be here," I am told by various family members. 
"I'm not here. I'm just dropping this off."
"But you weren't invited."
"I know. I'm not here. I just stopped in on my way through."
Back and forth the dialogue goes until someone points out, appalled, that, "You are wearing pajama bottoms!"
I look down, and sure enough, around my ankles are the same pair of pajama pants I'd been wearing in the happy dream.
"Well, yes I am." I then defiantly and proudly pull up the jammy pants. "And you know what? No one else cares." 
I leave, and the dream ends.

I have no idea what this dream means, but I woke up from it feeling both angry and satisfied. 

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