Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Radio DJ nightmares

What do you guys dream about when you have nightmares about work?

Here's what radio DJs dream:
- we dream we are trying to read the weather/commercial/emergency manual, but it is written in a language that is very similar to English, but it isn't
- we dream that the only things we can get to play on the air are only 30 seconds long which gives us only 30 seconds to find something else to play before one runs out
- we dream that our mouth is numb and we can't annunciate properly
- we dream the equipment is moved around and we can't find the microphone/CDs/buttons we need to push

Then again, maybe it's just me...


Darin said...

Failing audits.

The Gray Monk said...

It used to be simple - like failing to wake up for an alarm, now its more complicated, like trying to get something under control and having everything you try fail ...

LeeAnn said...

Something that should both alarm and console you... I was a Broadcasting major in college, with the aim of becoming a DJ. The consoling part is it never came to a degree, due to lack of funds and such.
But while I was in the class requiring us to take shifts at the college station, I had nightmares like that allllll the time.
I also had one where the microphone had been implanted in me by aliens and I had to try to talk through my belly button.
It was right after I'd gotten it pierced and it made me lisp.

Thumper said...

I have dreams where Oprah wants to interview my cat...but not me.

Contagion said...

When I dream about work, it usually involves a termination in one form or another.

dogsdontpurr said...

I own a large old commercial building in Oregon. It has a huge flat roof with only two drains. When it's stormy (200 days out of the year), those drain tend to plug up.

I was living in it one year, when I arrived home at midnight, alone, during one of the worst storms I'd ever seen. I walked in the door and gallons of water...a waterfall really, was pouring in through cracks in the roof, flooding the entire front entrance. I ran up to the roof in the dark, the wind, the rain....only to see about a 4ftx50ft filled with knee deep water! O.M.G.!

Amazingly, a friend, who now rents half the building, drove out dark windy roads...areas with trees down and power out....to help me drain the roof. On New Years Eve!

No wonder I never raise his rent, eh!

Anywayyy. For years after that, I would dream almost every night of that roof collapsing. Fortunately, it is still standing...amazingly.

The dreams only slowed after I moved to CA, and rented the other half to a contractor. So those are my tenants...a plumber and a contractor. How can you go wrong?! They've been with me going on 17 years now.

And yes, I still have the collapsing building dream, but only about once a month now!

dogsdontpurr said...

Ooops! I meant to say 4ftx50ft *area.* That is only a small portion of the roof, but the flooding torrential. The rest of the roof was leaking too, but they seemed like a trickle compared to that front entry.

Roses said...

I think Rave would have a field day with all of us.

(Thumper, that's funny.)

Rave said...

hehehe- I might....

Bob said...

I love dreams in C++. They always have a happy ending:
return 0;

Mrs. Who said...

Work nightmares? I dream I've lost my class...can't find them anywhere. No one's in the classroom.

Wait...that's a good dream.

Let me get back to you.

Roses said...

Leeann, I just read this again after all these years, and your lisping bellybutton is hilarious!
I am so glad you shared this.