Friday, December 31, 2021

Random Funny 12/31/2021

Let's end the year with a happy smattering of random.


The Husband and I are getting ready to leave the house, and I'm deciding which ball cap to wear.
"If I wear this one," I tell The Husband, "I'll want to go back upstairs and change into a pair of jeans to match it."
He contemplates this for a moment and says, "Do it. We're in no hurry, and it'll up your cute factor."

I jog upstairs, make the required wardrobe change, and jog back down to where The Husband is waiting. I arrive wearing the ball cap that matches the jeans.

"Oh, don't you look cute," he says.
"I guess you were right, then."
"Right about what?"
"You said these jeans would up my cute factor, and you just confirmed that I look cute. So it worked."
"Oh! Good for me!"


The boys are home for our weekly family dinner, and Younger Son is waiting for someone to notice the change in his appearance. That's a lie, he can't wait.
"Isn't anyone going to comment on my haircut? and the fact that I shaved?"
Deadpan, Elder Son replies, "I don't give 2 bits for your shave and a hair cut."


I've been trying to get back in the habit of jotting a note whenever I think of something funny I intend to blog about. So this third item comes from a middle of the night note that reads, "Gonna need more cats."
I don't know what that means, or why I wrote it, but I get the impression it is supposed to be spoken outloud with the same delivery as "We're gonna need a bigger boat."

And I'm amused to no end thinking of situations in which the solution is, without a doubt, more cats.


stapeliad said...

Happy new year! :)

Roses said...

Back atcha, stapeliad!