Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A Wink and a Nod from Stephen King

Fifteen years ago, I wrote a love letter to Stephen King.
This year, he responded.

Okay, maybe not directly.
And probably not at all intentionally.

(If you don't remember the story, or if you're a new friend and haven't read it yet, go take the time to read it. I'll wait.)

Ready? Cool.

I submit to you Mr. King's 2021 novel "Billy Summers" which I have just finished reading almost 15 years to the day after I published my blog post.

In it, there is a passage that sounds a whole lot like the car trip The Husband and I took along that remote, backwoods road in northern Wisconsin.

You may recall in my real life story, The Husband and I joked that we were traveling on Stephen King's driveway. Well, Billy Summers was on a driveway of Stephen King's creation. That's a Stephen King driveway right there, folks!

This random paragraph alone is not much of anything, I am willing to admit. Yes, I may be stretching.

It is altogether TOO coincidental that a key piece of imagery in "Billy Summers"... is a small pink sneaker.

 That. Is AWESOME!


Dear Stephen King,

Thanks for thinking of me. ❤

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