Saturday, January 04, 2025

Game Night 2025

On New Year's Day, The Husband and I went through our game closet and separated all the ones we didn't want anymore. When we finished, only a 1/3 of the hoard went back in the closet. It was refreshing. It was tidy. We could actually see and reach everything we had to choose from.

Last night The Boys came over to salvage whatever they wanted from  the discard pile. They each picked 3 or 4 things to take away to their own homes.

Elder Son was torn over a Scooby Doo game from his youth.
"I don't care to keep this," he said. "But I'd like to play it before I give it away."

So, we did.
Appropriately, Elder Son won.

Afterwards, the boys raided the neat and tidy closet and pulled out the Sorry! game board. We enjoyed a rowdy, loud round of unexpected twists, turns, and laughter. We all applauded with respect when Elder Son, faced with the decision of sending me or Younger Son's pieces back to Home, he managed to knock us *both* off the board with one clever use of the rules.

It was a lovely evening.
Four grown adults playing board games and enjoying each other's company. No one pulled out a phone, not even to check the time.
How'd we get so damn lucky?

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