Thursday, April 20, 2023

Toddler Pets

In case you've forgotten, adopting a new pet is like having a toddler in your house.

It's six months of:
What are you doing?
Get down from there!
That is NOT a toy!

At the end of the six months, you think you've trained the dog or cat to behave and leave your stuff alone, but all you've really managed to do is adjust your living space to accommodate your pet and you've finally gotten used to it.

So yeah, here I am, more than a year after bringing Cat 3.0 home, thinking how cool it is that he finally calmed down, but slowly, sadly realizing we no longer have house plants and my yarn is hidden in closets instead of on display in wicker baskets throughout the house.

Yup. I trained him good, dinnit I?

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