I will not be getting Invisaligns this month after all. The process has been delayed. Again.
"The process" has been delayed for one reason or another since March 2020.
This time it got disrupted when the dentist who was assigned to extract one of my teeth today expressed concern that he might damage two other teeth while removing the one.
"I will understand if you'd rather wait for a doctor with more experience," he said. "But I can do it for you today if you want to go ahead."
No. When your doctor has concerns and hesitates, you do not want to go ahead.
The Invisalign trays that are supposed to be installed next week were designed for a set of teeth minus one tooth.
If the tooth isn't gone, the trays won't fit. If the trays won't fit, they can't be installed next week.
I was so damn close to getting started 😑
On the plus side, I still have all of my teeth today.
On the downside, they are all still crowded.
We will table further discussion until a date yet to be determined.
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