Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Lazy Brat

As I was growing up, I was called "lazy" and "a brat".

I was told to behave and quit whining.

Not once was it suggested that I might be sleep deprived or hypoglycemic.
A simple snack and a nap would have done far more to modify behavior than the name calling.

The correct answer to the question, "What is wrong with you?" never came.

"You need a nap," isn't an answer when it's presented as a punishment.

It takes a long time for a person to unbelieve a statement that had been repeated to her over and over for the first 22 years of her life.

I know now that I wasn't a lazy brat, at least not as often as I was told that I was.
But I still hear the internal accusations when I'm not feeling well and wondering what is wrong with me.

Sorry this wasn't one of the funny posts.
I'm still working through some stuff, apparently. 

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