Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Three Sleeps Till Christmas 2020

"Just wanna make sure that you seriously, honest and for true didn't get me anything for Christmas."

"I really didn't, and I feel bad."
"Don't feel bad, because I didn't get you anything either,  and I would feel even worse if you *had* gotten me something."
"This year is gonna suck."
"It really is, but we knew it would."
"Well, as long as we're in agreement,  then everything is okay."
"Yes, it is."

This is the conversation The Husband and I had earlier this evening while sitting in our livingroom that has a half decorated tree with a handful of small presents for the boys under it. Half the gifts are snacks and candy.

One of Elder Son's roommates tested positive for COVID, and we're not sure Elder Son will be cleared to come out of quarantine by Friday, Christmas Day.
Younger Son agrees with The Husband and me that we would feel odd getting together if Elder Son can't join us. We just would hate to do anything that might make him feel left out.

So. No one is coming home for Christmas this year.
The plan is to put together a care package of fun traditional family Christmas food and deliver it with presents on Christmas morning to each of the boys' doorstops
Then, The Husband and I will come home to our empty house with its half decorated tree, and that'll be it.

It's gonna suck. We've seen this coming, it's a surprise to no one.
But you know what, I'm gonna buck up and stomp down the threatening depression. 
Ready? Here's my best shot...

Elder Son is well despite his roommate testing positive. That's a giant bright side.
Though we lost Our Beloved Cat and will certainly feel his absence on a Christmas morning with no boys, no one in our families died this year. That's a giant bright side.
We have a warm house and food to eat. And we two incomes when lots of people don't have one this year. And that's a giant bright side.

If you want me to be happy this year, simply don't give me anything. I already have all the things I *really* wanted this year.

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