Monday, August 10, 2020

Random Safer-At-Home Observations

While staying home to be safer at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, I have noticed and learned a few things about myself.

1) I actually *do* have the discipline needed to work from home and get work done. This shouldn't really have been a surprise to me after earning a college degree while holding down a fulltime job. But, I assumed if I was working for someone else instead of for myself, my motivation and commitment would be lacking. I am delighted to find they are not.

2) I snack less if I read a book instead of watch TV after work. I also snack less if I crochet while watching TV. So, by doing either of the two hobbies that I enjoy, I eliminate a bad habit. Win win!

3) When I wear a face mask, my forehead wrinkles make me look angry, especially if I smile. I have to consciously raise my eyebrows when I'm looking at someone so they know I'm not upset.

4) My company offers monetary incentive to develop healthy habits. I've been trying to walk every day, but some days are too hot to go outside. To meet my daily steps goal, I walk inside the house.
I've worked out an elaborate route around the livingroom furniture that nets me 50 steps per round. 
Impressive, maybe, but embarrassing. I draw the curtains so the neighbors don't wonder what I'm doing.

5) My dreams began including facemasks four months after I started working from home.

6) Speaking of work, I've been back to the office just twice since March 20th. The first time was to pick up a 4-pack of cloth masks that the company provided to all employees. The second time was last Friday to pick up a t-shirt the company gifted to all employees. It was probably the most exciting thing I've done since March 20th.

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