Sunday, May 17, 2020


Younger Son, who graduated from college yesterday and is now officially living at home with his parents until he finds a fulltime job and an apartment of his own, is watching a video in our dining room. He is using ear buds and has told us he is trying to determine the presenter's country of origin based on his accent. Younger Son is quiet for several minutes, then we have this conversation:

He: (to the room in general) He's from the UK.
Me: (not looking at him) Okay.
He: ::glances at his father, looks back at me::
Me: (still not looking at him)
He: (at me pointedly) No. YOO K.
Me: Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks, honey.

The three of us grin satisfactorily at each other knowing each one of us had heard the other perfectly fine.

1 comment:

Bob Lee said...

Classic Dad joke - gotta love it. :)