Thursday, June 09, 2016

Mom's and Dad's Anniversary

This is my dad's watch.
His work schedule changed from first to second shift so often that, as a child, I couldn't be sure if Dad was home unless his watch was sitting on the counter next to his loose change jar.
Dad's watch always meant Dad is home.

These are my mom's earrings.
She didn't wear a lot of jewelry, but she let me open her jewelry box and try on her things when I was little.  These earrings fascinated me because you could wear them without poking holes in your ears.
I'm not sure Mom let either of my other sisters play with her jewelry box.

These are the only things I wanted when my parents died.
I keep them arranged just like this on my bedside table.

On difficult mornings, I can place my hand over these things that remind me of my mom and dad and feel their presence.

Today would have been their wedding anniversary.
This is the first year they are celebrating in heaven together.
I imagine they are dancing to this polka.

"It was just another polka,
But holy smoke-ah!
Oh, what a girl in my arms!"


gizzylaw said...


Roses said...

Thank you, Gael.