Sunday, October 26, 2014

Silly stuff my family does.

We are a hugging family. We do it all the time, most often for no reason other than because one of us is simply walking past someone else. 

So, it's nothing special that I reached over and gave Elder Son a squeeze during lunch. 
"Love you," he said.
"Oo," I responded. "That's the most awesome squeaky toy I've ever heard!"

So naturally, I got up and hugged Younger Son. 
He belched. 

I went back and forth several times while the boys came up with different things to say and sounds to make with each squeeze.

Hug:  "Mommy."
Hug:  "Grrr!"
Hug:  "help me!"

 It was the most ridiculous, silly fun. 
Remember, this is a nearly 50-year-old woman and two nearly adult teens. 

The Husband, who had left the room for a moment, came back not knowing anything odd was going on. 

So naturally, I hugged him. 
"Oh, honey," he sighed. 

The boys and I fell over ourselves laughing. 

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