Dear Clothing Designer...
I have no use at all for your fake pocket seams.
What's the point of making my slacks look like they have rear pockets if there is no pocket?
What I have even less use for is your fakey half-pockets on my butt.
It has just as little value as the fake pocket seam with the added bonus of a lump of cloth for a pocket I cannot fit anything in.
If you feel I absolutely need something on my rear end, embroider it.
Don't throw useless bulky seams on my posterior.
OMG this is my biggest beef with clothes these days. I wind up buying men's jeans and slacks because the women's have no usable pockets. WTF am I going to do with a one inch back pocket? Or a three quarters in front pocket? Don't they realize a lot of us actually USE pockets?
At least the men's are usually a bit cheaper...
Thumper, call your pants "boyfriend jeans", and suddenly you're a fashion plate.
Speaking of men's clothes being cheaper...
While shopping for a terry cloth robe, I found one I liked in the women's department for a price I wasn't willing to pay. For kicks, I checked out the men's and found the same robe, same color for half the price.
'splain that to me.
I thought the no pockets thing was just me. I have a new pair of pants like that and I thought, "what's up with the no real pocket?" I didn't know this was a fashion thing across the board...
BTW, I'm so dang excited about your new job!
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