Monday, June 04, 2012

Good trade

I arrived home after dropping Younger Son off at the farmer's market to juggle for tips.  Elder Son was in our front yard picking up sticks, preparing to mow.  He gestured to the small, quart box in my hands, and we had this exchange:

He:  Where's Younger Son?  (I thought he asked, "What did you get?")
Me:  I got strawberries!
He:  You traded him for strawberries?
Me:  Uh, yeah.  Good trade, eh?


Moogie P said...

There were days when my girls would've deemed that the ultimate trade!

Dani said...

You should have held out for magic beans.

Andy said...


Elder son asks, "Where is brother?" You hear, "What did you get?"


Yep! It's happening, Roses. Trust me, it'll only get worse.

Roses said...

Andy: I've been mis-hearing my family for years. I'd do something about it except the things I *think* I'm hearing are just so gosh darned more interesting than what's being said...

Andy said...
