Play me.
Imagine I'm a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman.
What song does Paul Shafer play as I enter the theater?
True stories... only funnier.
Imagine I'm a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman.
What song does Paul Shafer play as I enter the theater?
With love, from
7:00 AM
Labels: Open for Discussion
OK, that will be what I think about today, trying to figure out a song for you.
Mine would be that clown circus song. I live with clowns.
This one:
How 'bout The Pretender's "Brass In Pocket"?
Had to go find it but...
"I Have Big Ovaries" by Saffire: The Uppity Blues Women.
It's on YouTube.
By the way, mine would be
"Bitch with a Bad Attitude" by the same group. I have it on my phone.
Bou kinda' beat me to it...
But, not really. I don't know what they would play for you, Roses. Maybe Supercalifragilisticexpiealidocious.
But, if it was me, they'd have to play "Send In The Clowns."
Or, maybe "Statue of a Fool."
"She's Got Legs," ZZ Top.
I have no idea what your legs look like, but whatever.
Dang it. I'm still thinking.
While I was youtubing Circus songs... I found this. Roses, if you don't laugh at around 1:40-1:45, you are having a BAD day.
And I'm struggling because you are so multidimensional. You're a great Mom and wife, you've had some serious tragedy lately, you're funny as heck, and you're deep.
Maybe we need to have someone write a song FOR you.
Oh and you knit.
So we need a song about a big hearted knitting strong woman Mom/wife, who stands up to adversity, laughs a lot and thinks deep. Struggling here... And we need to throw in chicken hats.
Have you ever searched on youtube for chicken hat songs? You get weird funny stuff like this:
OK. I'm going to bed now.
Having thought about this carefully, I think you should be "played in" with Takle's "Dare to Live" ... It should be played on a giant Wurlitzer by someone who really knows how to play ...
Dare you to find a copy and play it on your station!
I am flattered that you put so much thought into your answers.
So creative you all were, too!
I posted the same question on Facebook and all I got was different songs with variations of the word "rose" in the titles.]
That's because they don't really know and love you the way we do!
Word, sista.
How about "I Wanna Be Sedated" by the Ramones. I use it for the ringer for husband's work place. heh.
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