Friday, May 20, 2011

Band of Bothers (that's right - bothers)

The Husband and I climbed into the bleacher seats for the final band concert of Younger Son's middle school career.  But, instead of sitting next to each other, we chose to flank the dad of one of the drummers who used to live up the street from us.

After the preliminary Hi-how-are-ya, I heard The Husband say to the drummer dad, "So, when I want to talk to my wife, I'll lean over and whisper in your ear."
As drummer dad chuckled uncomfortably, I told him, "And when you start to blush, I'll know a message is coming."

How come no one ever wants to sit by us?


Andy said...

I once read that Burns & Allen were NEVER invited to Confirmations.

So, y'all are in decent company.

Harvey said...

I *like* sitting by you :-)

Roses said...

Are you sure, Harvey?
It could lead to The Husband whispering in your ear.