Friday, April 01, 2011

Political Opinions are like SEX!

It's nobody's business if you have some.
Likewise, just because you have some, you need to realize not everyone wants to hear about it.



Dani said...

And people may be shocked if they knew what you like.

Thumper said...

'cept, I'm less likely to judge a person for weird sex than I am about their political leanings...

Roses said...

OMG! Dani, that's hilarious!

Shoshanah Marohn said...

It's driving me crazy at work! I totally agree! I mean, I agree with everyone's political opinions at work- they're all the same, basically, and then they put it on the work email, and I can't find the important stuff in the emails, and OMG OMG OMG! Not to freak out on your blog, Roses, but I COMPLETELY AGREE! Wisconsin teachers rock, and also have no idea when to shut up.

Andy said...

Roses, I agree. That's one thing I like about having a blog as opposed to e-mailing four hundred of your best friends when you have something to say. I mean...politically, or otherwise.

If people really give a fig about what's going on with you, or what's on your mind, or what you think about the politics of the day...they will dial you up on the net to find out. No reason to stick it in the face of everybody...just the ones that care enough to come knocking on your door.

Honestly, I don't do politics like I once did. It all sucks. But, I've got VERY strong beliefs on one side or another of almost every issue. I just don't talk about it much. anymore.