Monday, December 21, 2009

Why we don't have nice things

Because when I spend $4.29 for the bottle of premium cranberry juice so I can have one serving each morning with my oatmeal in order to control my cholesterol, the children come home from school and chug it like it's 12-cent Kool-Aid.



Nikia, May and da kids said...

You too huh?? I should go back to grapefruit juice so nobody will drink it.


LeeAnn said...

I have a trick to keep the assorted nieces/nephews/careless husbands out of my "good" juice... I dollop in just a splash of vodka into the container... not enough to get happy, but just enough to make it taste "off" to them.

Andy said...

Roses, we have an extra refrigerator in the garage for just such things. My poor wife will trek out there to pour her glass of juice.

But in times of cold weather (when she doesn't want to go to the trouble), she will just use sticky notes on items in the fridge...with sweet stuff like, "TOUCH THIS, AND DIE!," or "IF ONE OUNCE IS MISSING, I'LL KNOW, AND YOU WILL NEVER WALK WITHOUT A LIMP!"

It seems to work pretty well.

invisible said...

Put the 12 (hey! I was going to put the cent symbol but my keyboard doesn't have one. It only has the $ symbol. Boy, now that's inflation.) Anyway, put the 12 cent koolaid in the cranberry juice jar, and the cranberry juice in a jug with a prescription label peeled off your meds.

Lemon Stand said...

We learned that the hard way, not with cranberry juice but a special cherry juice concentrate. My husband has very high Cholesterol too but his brother (same genetic problem) told him about this cherry juice that does a much better job than the cranberry. Only, the kids love it and as a concentrated red stain on my counter that will not come out, I have been changing my decor in the kitchen to red so it is much less noticeable...

Lemon Stand said...

By the way, I LOVED Andy's wife's idea of notes... not that it would work in my house unless I could take up fingerprint investigation as a hobby.