How come *it* gets to sleep in?
It's kinda funny actually, when you reach for your alarm clock first thing in the morning, and it takes you a good half a minute to realize the reason you can't shut it off is because your hand is asleep.
True stories... only funnier.
It's kinda funny actually, when you reach for your alarm clock first thing in the morning, and it takes you a good half a minute to realize the reason you can't shut it off is because your hand is asleep.
With love, from
8:00 AM
Labels: C'mon that's funny
Sometimes I managed to sleep on my foot funny, and when I get out of bed (can you believe I was going to say "leap out of bed" as if you fell off a turnip truck yesterday and would believe it?) I fall backwards back into it... but since I just woke up, it feels all slow-motiony.
Some mornings I actually look forward to this. I am easily amused.
LeeAnn: One night, my knees were in such a way that one fell asleep. My leg was fine, just the knee was out. And when I got up in the morning, I simply crumpled to the floor. It was the strangest thing. I must've looked drunk.
Would have been really cool in slow motion. You're so lucky.
I feel like a voyer...I could just sit here and read y'all going back and forth and back and forth....
I have no comment on this post, basically because I have to much respect for your blog to put my smutty thoughts on it. ;-)
But what if we like smut?
Let's be careful. Hitting #1 on Google for "smut" may not be such a good thing.
I'm laughing because I have never had a leg or any part of lower anatomy fall asleep when I was sleeping. I am the queen of hands and arms sleeping though... sometimes all the way to my shoulder. I wonder sometimes if my entire left side fell asleep if my heart would stop.
And how many times have I accidentally it myself in the face... only to realize it was my own hand? Oh... once a week?!
Bou: *You* really need to have your hand fall asleep while you're sleeping. You haven't lived until your roll over and feel that dead limb slide across your face.
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