Having a family means...
... you will be standing in the department store checkout line as the cashier bags up your cat litter, toilet paper, and diapers when you realize you just wrote a check for $47 so that everyone in your family can poop.
True stories... only funnier.
... you will be standing in the department store checkout line as the cashier bags up your cat litter, toilet paper, and diapers when you realize you just wrote a check for $47 so that everyone in your family can poop.
With love, from
7:04 AM
Everybody poops.
Apparently, at your house, all at once...
Pooping *is* important!
But(t) jeez - that's a lot of $$$
Aw, you don't need all them supplies to poop.
But they do help maintain a certain amount of decorum...not to mention hygiene. For which we all thank you.
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