Friday, January 15, 2021

Serious Question...

...for couples/roommates with opposing waking schedules...

What do you do while the other person is sleeping?

The Husband goes to bed early. I have the house to myself, but whatever I do has to be done quietly so as not to disturb his much needed slumber.
Yeah, yeah, I could read or play with my piles of yarn. However, I'd like to do something productive, but I'm not sure what I can manage with minimal clatter.

So I'm curious how the rest of you keep busy without making noise.


Thumper said...

Spouse Thingy works nights, so this is my life... I'm just quiet. All freaking day. I can do most household chores, but there's no vacuuming, no blasting music, nothing that might wake him up. I can watch TV or get on the bike, but life is definitely quiet.

It helps that he runs a fan and has a CPAP for white noise, but I just don't risk it. No one comes over because I don't want to wind up getting involved in loud conversation. It also helps that writing is a very quiet pursuit and I can get a lot of work done...otherwise its a lot of reading, TV, and cleaning (ha, not really.) Luckily my bike on the trainer isn't loud enough to bother him. Same with the treadmill.

He's been working nights since 2005, so I'm just used to it. But I miss blasting music.

Roses said...

Ah. This also explains why you spend so much time at the 'bucks when the weather allows you to go out. 👍