Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve 2020

This year is all about making the best out of unusual circumstances. 

Normally on Christmas Eve, we collect the boys and drive around town looking at Christmas lights. We can't get together with boys this year, so I convinced The Husband to join me and a couple of tumblers of spiked cocoa for a late night stroll to look at lights around our block. It was fun and silly. It was so cold, and it snowed the hard tiny flakes that sting your face. We oo'd and ah'd and laughed. 
And at no point did we notice an absence of boys.
This was new. The boys weren't missing because this was something they'd never been a part of. 

Tomorrow, I think the two of us are going to play video games all day.
We haven't done that since we were dating.

This year is all about making the best out of unusual circumstances. 

1 comment:

stapeliad said...

Spiked cocoa sounds so good.... so do video games. :)
Merry Christmas!