Monday, July 25, 2011


The Husband and I make a game out of guessing how many shopping bags we will need for our weekly grocery trip.  We take our reusable bags, and we are usually short by one or two.
(Which is good, because then we get plastic bags, and I get plarn.)

As he and I headed to the store, I counted.
"I brought six bags.  How many did you bring?"
He looked at me with meaning.  "Just.  One."



Thumper said...

I always forget the reusable bags. And I hate winding up with all that plastic. Sadly, I don't know how to make plarn...nor would I know what to do with it once I made it...

Anonymous said...

I like the plastic bags the store gives me! They make fun face masks! :)

DogsDontPurr said...

A couple days ago, I was accosted by a Green Peace activist as I left the grocery store. We had an amusing exchange as she began to realize that I was actually more on top of environmental issues than she was. (She was about 19, and clearly had been indoctrinated without giving anything much thought.)

After I convinced her that I was truly environmentally friendly, she peered into my shopping cart and saw that I had plastic bags. Oh the horror!

I had simply bring my own bags. But rather than prolonging our encounter, I simply wished her a nice day and moved on.

It wasn't until I got home that I thought of something witty I should have said. I soooo wish I had remarked "Yes, sorry, I had to get plastic bags today...I left my reusable bags in my Hummer!"

Dang. Why is it I only think of these things after the fact!?!

Mrs. Who said...

Please tell me you hit your husband with your six bags after his comment!

Moogie P said...

What Mrs, Who said.

We finally gave curbside recycling again (haven't had it since Katrina), and they take the plastic bags! Glass, on the other hand, not. Go figure.

I have a few reusables, but most of them are compartmentalized for wine bottles. Of course, the wine bottles are glass . . . .

Roses said...

Moogie, NOoooooo!
You can't give away those plastic bags! I. Need. Plarn!

Bou said...

I forget to bring my reusable bags all the time. our grocery store has these stickers you can put on your dash to remind yourself. That worked for about a month, until I got used to seeing it. It's like your kids fighting and screaming and you tuning it out because... that's what you do as a parent. Sometimes you just become deaf to the chaos. Well... I became blind to my dashboard sticker. Sheesh.

Roses said...

We have our bags by the door so we see them on our way out. But, like Bou says, you get used to seeing them to the point of not seeing them anymore.

Like loose change, you'll also find the stray bag or two in any of the family vehicles.