Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Chew on this

Snow day, and early on the boys were getting on each other's nerves.

It was only breakfast and I'd already heard too many "He started it"s and "StopitStopitStopit"s.

So, I spelled it out for them:

"If there was some kid visiting us who treated either of you the way you treat each other, I would kick that kid out of my house and tell him he's not welcome here ever again."

The table was rather quiet after that.


Richmond said...

Amen, my friend. Amen...

Tammi said...


Yep. Brilliant.

Problem is the retention rate on boys that age is about 1.6 days.....and that's if you're lucky.

But still....brilliant!

Thumper said...

I could use that on the supposedly grown up boys here...

Anonymous said...
