Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Hey, at least he asked for permission first.

The topic was movies, and one of our regular listeners phoned.

"Hey, Roses," he said as I screened the call.  "Can I say 'crap' on the air?  Because that's what most movies are nowadays."
I thought a moment.  "I think it's okay as an adjective, John.  But not as a verb."


Christie Critters said...

The use of the word "crap" notwithstanding: Isn't he absolutely correct? The last movie that i went to see (in a theater) was the highly over-rated Pirates of the Carribean, Black Pearl...
The last movie in a theater that I really enjoyed: Akela and the Bee...
I do watch lots of Professional Bull Riding, though...

The Gray Monk said...

I thought it was just me ...

But I can't find a "Best Seller" listed book I can enjoy anymore either.